Date: April 2nd, 2017
Time: 12:30 PM – Lunch Provided
Where: Chester County Council Service Center, West Chester, PA
Octoraro Lodge 22 will be conducting a Troop Representative Summit. The Troop Representative Committee (Youth) will present expectations, duties/responsibilities of an involved Order of the Arrow Troop Representative (Youth). This is a leadership position the qualifies for all Boy Scouts ranks. The Troop Representative serves as the conduit of communication between the Troop and the Lodge. We are here to aid you in fulfilling that role and for you to maximize your leadership opportunity within the Troop and Lodge.
Please register here.
The Troop Assistant Scoutmaster Order of the Arrow Advisor (Adults) training will be conducted separately while the Youth are in their training. The Adult Arrowman will cover similar topics but will include suggestions on how to facilitate the execution through the Troop Representative. The Order of the Arrow Unit of Excellence Award qualifications will be covered in detail.
Immediately following the training, the Lodge will conduct our monthly Lodge Executive Meeting, approximately 1 hour in duration. This is a great opportunity for you to understand the inner working of the Lodge and gain knowledge of how the Lodge runs.
Please register here.