Congratulations to all the award recipients at this year’s banquet! The unwavering commitment of these individuals in providing service to the lodge, HSR, and Chester County Council – which are the means to provide a quality program for our BSA youth – is a testament to their character and dedication. Thank you for all that you do!
Achgeketum Award: Jeff Schaefer.
Chesimus Wulihan Award: Andrew D. and Bevan W.
Wipinquoak Award: Frank DiMarzio
Most Valuable Arrowman Award (new for 2018): Kolbe B.
Founder’s Award: Jake Zebley and Tom Savoy
Vigil Honor Candidates: Eric Allison, Ann Babb, Alec B., Kolbe B., Becky Ekins, Dylan Seace, Jared Seace, Sherry Seace, Art Taylor, Steven W.