Ernie Heegard, a beloved mentor, teacher, adviser, and friend, passed away on April 14th, 2024. He was Camp Director of Camp Horseshoe for 29 years, Scoutmaster of Troop 78 for 42 years, and Octoraro Lodge 22 Adviser for 28 years. His impact to the Horseshoe Scout Reservation, the Order of the Arrow, Chester County Council, and Scouting in general was monumental. Help us honor his legacy of excellence, leadership, and service at Camp Horseshoe on June 22, 2024.

Please RSVP here (or the embedded form below) for planning purposes for the event.

RSVP form

1:30 pm – Procession to Chapel

2 pm – Chapel Service

3:30 pm – Ceremony in Achgeketum Fire Circle

5 pm – Retreat

5:15 pm – Reception

Venue: Camp Horseshoe

1286 Ridge Road, Rising Sun, MD 21911

Attire:  BSA uniform

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