Brothers, we are need of staff for the event below. Please register at the following:

The Chester Council County Order of the Arrow Lodge, Octoraro 22, is hosting a Council-wide Cub Scout recruiting effort at Camp Ware. This year’s event promises to be more action packed then last years, including an overnight at the Camp. If you decide to come down for the day – registration will open at 9:00 AM Saturday but it is “come when you can, leave when you must”. We encourage ALL Cub Scouts (Tigers to Arrow of Lights) to bring a friend with them to share the fun of Cub Scouting. The cost of the program will be $10/youth and an additional $5/additional family member. All Cub Scouts that bring a friend will be refunded the cost of the program. The program activities include a night hike, a campfire, BB Shooting, Slingshot paintball, Bottle Rockets launching and other fun activities. Advancement opportunities will be made available. We will also have activities showing Webelos the cool things the Boys Scouts do!
We encourage Packs and Dens to come as units but the event is open to everyone.

Event Gallery

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