October 26th and 27th
Chester County Council Cub Camporee 2019

Volunteer to help Octoraro 22 at the annual Chester County Council Cub Camporee (C5) which  this year will be held at a new location in conjunction with Chester County Council’s 100th Anniversary Camporee.

The Camporee will be October 26th – 27th at Hibernia Park. We will need volunteers throughout the duration of the event, but as it coincides with the Scouts BSA Camporee, we recognize that scouts and scouters make not be able be available the entire time. So this year, we are hoping to get more volunteers by offering shorter shifts.

Follow the link below to sign up, making sure to indicate your preferred activity area and time slot(s). Anyone interested in joining the C5 Committee to help with planning and preparation, please select “Sign me up!” on the last question.

Volunteer signup here: https://forms.gle/FqbmfniiBixsb6417

This is an important event for the Lodge and the Council. It promotes scouting for youth in our area and shows the Cubs how much fun scouting can be which aids in scout retention, as well as recruitment. Please help make it successful again this year by donating as much of your time as you can. The service hours benefit you and our community.

Also, remember that the Cub Scouts look up to the older scouts. Be a good role model by wearing your Class A uniform and OA sash with pride. Additional info will be sent out after you sign up and before C5.

Thanks for all of your effort!

Please visit https://c5cubday.wordpress.com for more information about C5.

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