Troop Representative Training

Date: April 2nd, 2017
Time: 12:30 PM – Lunch Provided
Where: Chester County Council Service Center, West Chester, PA

Octoraro Lodge 22 will be conducting a Troop Representative Summit. The Troop Representative Committee (Youth) will present expectations, duties/responsibilities of an involved Order of the Arrow Troop Representative (Youth). This is a leadership position the qualifies for all Boy Scouts ranks. The Troop Representative serves as the conduit of communication between the Troop and the Lodge. We are here to aid you in fulfilling that role and for you to maximize your leadership opportunity within the Troop and Lodge.

Please register here.


Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) 2016

lld-logo-160-1The Lodge Leadership Development course will be held at Camp Horseshoe on Friday November 4th to Saturday, November 5th 2016, and it’s FREE!

If you are a lodge officer for 2016/2017 or a lodge committee member, this training course is required.  Please sign up at the link below (also allows you to schedule for Brotherhood Blitz):

Register here.
Start Time:  November 4th, 7 pm
End Time: November 5th, 7pm

We will be cabin camping, so prepare for that and bring your class A with ash.  Meals will be provided.



Coming up in 2016, there is a unique opportunity to get some top-notch training from the section, regional and national leadership!

#LEAD is a training event being hosted by Sections NE-6A and NE-6B, featuring Arrowmen from all over the 8 lodges in the 2 sections – Kitatinny 5, Sasquesahanough 11, Nentico 12, Nentego 20, Octoraro 22, Wunita Gokhos 12, Guneukitschik 317 and Amangamek-Wipit 470.

The event will be on January 23rd, 2016 (weather date: January 30th) at the Carroll County Community College (click here for directions).

The event cost is FREE to the first 50 Arrowmen who signup. For those who want to travel by bus with the contingent, there is a $15 fee per person. Information about bus travel is in the registration link below.

Register here!

Below are the listing of the various tracks that you can attend when you register (click READ MORE):  There is something for everyone!


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