The following table at the bottom of the page lists the Officers, Team-Leads and Advisers responsible for the various Teams and Offices of the Octoraro 22 Lodge Leadership Team.  Also listed are the duties for which each team or office is responsible. Clicking on the team name will allow you to email the members of that team or position. The Lodge Leadership Team meets the first Sunday of each Month at 2 pm at PARC (except for service weekends). Refer to the lodge calendar for specific dates.
Click here for a list of previous Meeting Minutes for the Lodge Leadership Team.
Click the following link for the Bylaws:  Lodge Bylaws

2024 Documents

2024 Lodge Calendar

2025 Lodge Calendar

Click here for the Unit Visitation Packet.

Click here to see the Octoraro Lodge 22 organization chart.

Here is a listing of the current youth and adult leaders in the Lodge Leadership Team.

Position Name Description
Lodge Chief Peter G. The Chief is the top youth leader of the lodge. They serve as the chairman of the executive committee, appoints committee chairmen, and supervises the work of other officers and committees. They conduct and preside over all regular meetings and activities of the Lodge.
Previous Lodge Chief Sean Darlington The immediate past Lodge Chief is an official member of the executive committee. Their role is to assist in the transition of leadership and to lend advice and experience to the new administration.
Administrative Vice Chief Anthony W. The Administrative Vice Chief is in charge of the following teams: Projects, Troop Representatives , and Unit Elections. They assure that each of his teams follow their specific jobs.
Program Vice Chief Collin W. The Program Vice Chief is in charge of the following teams: Native American Affairs, Troop Representative and Fellowship. They assure that each of their committees follows their specific jobs.
Corresponding Secretary Austin P. The corresponding secretary keeps record of all lodge correspondence. They assume complete responsibility for the publishing of an interesting and informative newsletter, “WULAMOC”, at least four times a year.
Recording Secretary Ethan G. The Recording Secretary keeps precise minutes of all lodge leadership team meetings. They are responsible for keeping the lodge membership records in order and updated, including records of attendance at all lodge functions. They are also responsible for candidate registration at ordeal weekends and for preparing membership cards.
Treasurer Violet P. The Treasurer is responsible for the creation and upkeep of the lodge budget. They are also responsible for keeping an inventory, and for the sale, of all lodge insignia, emblems, and supplies.

Sean D.

Dave Seace

The board of trustees shall be the custodians of all real property over which the lodge has the use or control. The board shall make the rules and regulations governing the use of this property. The youth and adult trustee positions are currently included in an upcoming bylaw revision.
Lodge Adviser

Tom Savoy

The Lodge Adviser assists and advises the lodge executive committee and offers suggestions and help as needed to improve the lodge program.
Associate Lodge Advisers

Andrew Coe

Barb Myers 

Gus Sauerzopf

The Associate Lodge Adviser assists the Lodge Adviser and helps advise the lodge leadership team. They help advise the adults of their role in the OA.
Staff Lodge Adviser

Ryan Teat

The Lodge Staff Adviser serves as a professional staff adviser and acts as the link between the council and the lodge.
Scout Executive

Ben Wheeler

The Scout Executive/CEO is the Supreme Chief of the Fire.
Trail Crew


John McCabe

The Trail Crew Team Lead works with the Reservation Rangers in going around the reservation and restoring trails. They organize workdays throughout the year and works the Reservation Director in working on trails at a wildlife preserve that is adjacent to the reservation, Goat Hills Public Wild Plant Sanctuary.
Projects Nick M.

Stuart Watson

The Projects Team organizes projects for the lodge weekends in cooperation with the council projects committee and the camp rangers. The team ensures that Ordeal weekend notices, job lists, and reservation cards are sent out. The committee also organizes lodge membership into work crew with competent adult crew leaders on Ordeal weekends. Coordinates community service projects, and makes sure that the lodge completes enough community service to qualify for Quality Lodge.

Denali L.


This team is responsible for the upkeep of the website, maintaining the Lodgelist mailing list, keeping track of the radios at the weekends, the Lodge Teams email list, and also emergency contact for brothers during the weekend.

Julian B.

Bob Wheeler

The LLD (Lodge Leadership Development) team is responsible for putting together the Lodges annual LLD. They are responsible for finding trainers and putting together the training syllabus for the day.
Ceremonies and Costumes

Mia C.

Jeff Schaefer

Max Weiser

This team is in charge of maintaining all of the lodge costumes for ceremonies and troop use.  For requesting costumes, use this link.  For general costume inquires, click “Costumes” to the left.

They are also in charge of facilitating the smooth operation of any and all ceremonies, except the Vigil. The Ceremonies team also coordinates the Dance and Drum Team, as well as responsible for the upkeep and replacement of regalia used at all call-outs, pageants, and ceremonies.

Nominations Braedan Happ

Owen Cutler

The Nominations team prepares in advance a slate of candidates for lodge officers and trustees, and prepares “campaign literature” for lodge officer nominees.
Troop Representative Michael C.

Fred Stoudt

The Troop Representative team creates and maintains an active list of unit troop representatives and promotes the troop representative program. The team is also responsible of making sure that each troop has a trained Troop Rep. that is receiving information from the Lodge during the Lodge meetings. Troop Reps. Are encouraged to attend the monthly Lodge meetings.

Daniel B.

Tom Bartlett

The Ordeal team is responsible for staging a smooth running Ordeal. The team secures Elangomats and supervises all aspects of the ordeal process.

Duncan B.

Brian White

The Brotherhood team administers the Brotherhood test and verifies that Ordeal members are prepared for the Brotherhood membership in the lodge.
Vigil Honor

Sasha C.

Sara Herweck

The Vigil Honor team is responsible for nominating suitable candidates for the Vigil Honor, organizing an election for these nominees, organizing the call-out ceremony at the Lodge Banquet, and organizing the induction of Vigil Honor members into the lodge.
Unit Elections

Grayson P.

John Ackroyd

The Unit Elections team is responsible for contacting and giving all troops the opportunity to hold an election. The committee sees that all elections are performed correctly and the results from elections are recorded and kept on record. The team also assists in arranging for call-out ceremonies and issues candidate invitation letters.

Raul L.

Sawyer J.

Sherry Seace

The Conventions team promotes all section, regional, and national events. The team organizes a delegation for the section conclave and national conference.
Camping Promotions

Billy B.

Bill Frazier

The Active Camping Committee sponsors council wide programs or projects that will provide more camping. The committee is responsible for maintaining a slideshow or video on council camping and making it available to all units of the council.The Committee is also responsible for keeping, publishing, and distributing an organized up to date booklet/CD showing camping places for troops to use in their camping programs.

Banquet Collin W.

Stuart Watson

The Banquet team is in charge of the banquet.
Day of Service  Gabe M.

Chester Darlington

This team is responsible for organizing a county-wide Day of Service.

Brooke B.


The Cub Day team lead is responsible for the annual Chester County Council Cub Camporee. The goal of this project is to introduce Cub Scouts to Camping, and to encourage them to invite a friend to join the program as well as Cub Scout retention.

Garrett H.

Matt Ostrowski

The Fellowship team is responsible for creating and administering fellowship events throughout the year.
NOAC 2024

Raul L.

Sherry Seace

This team is committed to promoting NOACs and facilitating a lodge contingent to this event. The NOAC 2024 chairman works to prepare the NOAC contingent for the 2024 NOAC.
Food Service William G.

Saralyn Kassel

The Food Service Manager helps coordinate the food orders update to the order what the weekends menu is and to give an update on kitchen gear and uniform and when it’s need of replacement.

Conclave 2025 

Camille B.

Doug McConnell
Bob Wheeler

 The Conclave 2025 Committee is in charge of planning the   Section E11 Conclave for 2025 at Camp Horseshoe. 

100th Anniversary 

Lily R.

Chris McConnell

 The 100th Anniversary Committee is in charge of planning any special activities and events for Octoraro 22’s 100th anniversary in 2026. 

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