Award InformationUOE-OA

The Unit of Excellence Award was created in 2012 to recognize units who have a high degree of participation in the OA program.  There are 5 categories to the award, and units who wish to be recognized with this award must complete requirements in all 5 – leadership, planning, conversion, elections, and participation.

For the full list of requirements in each category, please click this link:

Unit of Excellence Report

At any time throughout the year, you may request a report that details your unit’s participation and conversion (Brotherhood) activities in the OA.  To request a report, send an email to  This will help you gauge if your unit is on track.  The report lists number of members in good standing (dues paid), participation for those individuals and unit percentage participation, and Brotherhood conversion percentages.

Qualification for Award

After the September Fellowship weekend of each year, units who think they qualify for the award should contact the lodge adviser at  The adviser will verify that the award criteria has been met.


1) Ribbon – Once the award criteria has been verified, the Lodge Adviser will submit a form requesting ribbons for units who have qualified (this will be done at the end of the year once the number of units earning the award have been determined).  If any units receive the award, they will be recognized at the annual lodge banquet* and receive their ribbon.

2) Certificates for OA Troop Advisers – Certificates for OA Troop Advisers will also be presented at the annual lodge banquet* for advisers ofqualifying units.

3) Recognition Patch for OA Troop Representatives and OA Troop Advisers – patches can be purchased by the unit for the those units who qualify.

*If the troop is not represented at the lodge banquet, other arrangements for recognition can be made.

If you have any questions about the award, do not hesitate to contact the lodge adviser at

Units Earning the Award

Troops 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 23, 37, 48, 52, 55, 58, 78, 83, 92, 95, 216, 220

Troops 4, 12, 31, 44, 50, 51, 52, 72, 78, 95, 116, 127, 135, 191, 216, 222

Troops 12, 31, 44, 50, 52, 158, 216

Troops 23, 30,  44, 48, 52, 73, 76, 116, 117, 135, 158, 220

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