The September Fellowship Weekend will be held September 27-29 at Horseshoe Scout Reservation, and you can sign up here. Early bird discount registration ends on 9/15!. The Fellowship weekend will include lots of fun activities in the afternoon and work on Saturday morning. We will also be hosting some members of our daughter lodge Blue Heron 349. It is sure to be a fun and rewarding weekend! The fellowship activities will be Star Wars-themed, so be sure to join in on the fun!
Officer Elections
At the September Fellowship Weekend, Octoraro 22 will be electing our Lodge Officer Team for the 2025 Term. Lodge Officers are very important to the lodge, and all Officers have many responsibilities. There are 6 positions that can be ran for, and these positions are:
1. Lodge Chief – Officer oversees all Officers and programs, and is the highest Youth in the Lodge.
2. Vice Chief of Program – Officer oversees all program aspects at lodge events.
3. Vice Chief of Administration – Officer oversees all Administration aspects at lodge events.
4. Corresponding Secretary – Officer writes Lodge Emails and the lodge newsletter: The Wulamoc.
5. Recording Secretary – Officer writes the Lodge Meeting Minutes.
6. Treasurer – Officer is in charge of reporting finances.
All Youth that meet the following criteria are allowed to run:
1. Be under the age of twenty-one for the entire term (Jan 1, 2025-Dec 31, 2025).
2. Be registered in Scouting in Chester County Council.
3. Be in good standing with Octoraro Lodge 22
4. May not hold another Office within Octoraro Lodge 22 during their tenure of Office.
There are no rank requirements to run for Office; anybody who meets these criteria may run.
To run for a position, the candidate must submit the following to the Nominations Committee, Officer Team and Lodge Adviser:
1. A Letter of intent including:
Who they are and their Troop #.
The Position that they are running for.
Why they would be a good candidate
For candidates running for Lodge Chief only: Past lodge Chief or Current/Past Lodge Adviser Letter of Approval and Scoutmaster Approval.
2. A Biography of themselves to be included in The Wulamoc; this should be no more than 150 words.
Candidates will also participate in the forum where Youth will ask the candidates questions about what they plan to do within office.
If a Candidate loses an election for an office, they will have the opportunity to run down for a lower position.
All of this must be emailed to,, and If not all are emailed, you may be unable to run for office.