Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) 2016

lld-logo-160-1The Lodge Leadership Development course will be held at Camp Horseshoe on Friday November 4th to Saturday, November 5th 2016, and it’s FREE!

If you are a lodge officer for 2016/2017 or a lodge committee member, this training course is required.  Please sign up at the link below (also allows you to schedule for Brotherhood Blitz):

Register here.
Start Time:  November 4th, 7 pm
End Time: November 5th, 7pm

We will be cabin camping, so prepare for that and bring your class A with ash.  Meals will be provided.


Brotherhood Blitz

Saturday, November 5 ,2016 Goodman Pavilion, Camp Horseshoe   The Brotherhood Blitz is an opportunity for an eligible Ordeal member to complete Brotherhood in one afternoon, outside of a lodge weekend.  There is no cost… it is FREE !  However, your dues must be current (paid for 2016 or later). Read more…

Chester County Council Cub Camporee – Staff Needed!

Calling all Arrowmen! Please help us staff the Cub Day! We have over 495 adults and Cubs signed-up and ready to have an awesome day of fun, but they need YOU!

Some of the events planned are BB Gun, Archery, Slingshot Paintball, Bottle Rocket launching, Bouldering Wall, Orienteering course, Nature/Environmental Study session — around 14-16different things to participate in.

Registration starts at 12:00, put tents up, events start at 1:00 & run to 6:00, dinner & then Campfire w/OA in Native-American costume, then Orienteering the next morning after breakfast. 

More info is here: https://c5cubday.wordpress.com/

We will be focusing this year on Cub Scout retention and camp will include an overnight stay. The new location should better enable us to reach out to all 4 Council Districts. Final details are being worked out by the Cub Day Committee. We have 4 Youth running the activity areas to assist the Committee Youth Chair but need help in the activity areas, parking, camping areas.

Please communicate your interest in serving by emailing the Committee at cubday@octoraro22.org.



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